What is Find Your Gifts: Command Your Future?
This is a six week, self-study, self-paced online program that offers a warm, supportive voice encouraging you to find your gifts, talents and interests and giving you dozens of tools to help you focus and overcome resistance.
This is the only ADHD online academy developed by a Ph.D. psychologist that focuses on the gifts of ADHD.
A self-paced online academy for those who persist in the face of discouragement. In a world where ADHD is a stigma, we see neurodiversity. You may look around you and see relationships difficulties, professional failures, and a trail of catastrophic mistakes caused by sloppiness.
ADHD is both a blessing and a curse, sometimes a brutal one. I won't glamorize ADHD.
It's Time to Turn the Bus Around! You will learn to define yourself by strengths rather than weaknesses.
Who Is This Course For?
This course is for anyone who has ADHD and struggles with self-doubt. You can check in for simple tools to find focus, optimize your confidence and manage your daily frustration and adopt a growth mindset toward your motivation and long term planning.
You can practice managing your mood through the four "P's".
Increase Pleasure. Sometimes it may feel that you are just going through the motions. In addition to focusing your time on performance demands—which can lead to frustration—be sure to give yourself a few simple pleasures, like browsing in stores, walking with a friend, playing with your child or bicycling.
Presence. Make a point of being present in the moment each day. It’s the difference between being and doing--performing.
Power. Power reminds us to be the author of our own life. For example, women often think motherhood has to be a sacrifice, but there’s power in making authentic choices instead of simply conforming to a life that doesn’t work for you.
An example of power is a man who really wanted to work in a pet store. His main obstacle between himself and his life purpose was that he believed that men didn’t do those sorts of jobs. He found that he had the power to change his thinking.
Permission. Practice giving yourself permission to see life a different way. For example, some of us have to learn that life doesn’t have to be a struggle ( despite our past experiences.) The future doesn’t have to be a repeat of the past. Give yourself permission to explore something, or simply to be happy (despite others who want to draw you into the misery-loves-company conversation.).
What is Included?
- 5 days a week for 6 weeks you get focusing questions or direction for shifting your mindset to build confidence, focus or mind building tools.
- A 20 minute video on the five gifts of ADHD
- A 15 minute video on the six super skills for executive functioning
What Results Can You Expect From This Course?
Specific directions for Mind Building. Just as body builders go to the gym to gain strength you will find content to guide your brain toward confidence, planning, motivation, managing mood and finding focus. Just as you can expect results at the gym based on what you put into it, so too will you have daily challenges to adopt a growth mindset and guidance for making progress.
Course Contents:
The course is made up of 5 x daily lessons over a period of 6 weeks. Each lesson takes 10-15 minutes but has downloads including podcast interviews and Powerpoint presentations.
Week 1
Day 1 - The Power Five
Day 2 - Motivation and Persistence
Day 3 - The Power Of Movement
Day 4 - Nature as Medicine
Day 5: Nutrition
Week 2
Day 1 - 5 Tips For Not Losing Your Mind In Difficult Times
Day 2 - This will change your mindset
Day 3 - The 4 P's
Day 4 - Doubt Your Self-Doubt
Day 5 - The Quickest Way to Change Your State
Week 3
Day 1 - Find Your Jet Stream
Day 2 What Don't You Want
Day 3 - Don't buy your dinner at the gas station Quick Stop
Day 4: Don't Forget to Checkout!
Day 5: Why am I Not Doing What I Love?
Present Time: Where do I find my Sweet Spot?
Week 4
Day 1: Superbad Coaching Steps
Day 2: Imagine This
Day 3: Don't Fix the Blame, Fix the Problem
Day 4: How to Find Your Life Path
Day 5: Digital Detox
Week 5
Day 1 - Turning hyperactivity into exuberance
Day 2 - You’re The Champ
Day 4 - Top 10 parenting tips
Day 5 - Translating disorders into differences
Day 6: Got Fear of Failure?
Week 6
Day 1 - Common FAQs on ADD
Day 2 - Is the diagnosis correct?
Day 3 - Getting the best for your child
Day 4 - Building emotional intelligence and reducing impulsivity
Day 5 - Exploring the depths of ADHD
Sweet Spot Podcast
Dreams Coincidence and Imagination
Accomplish More By Doing Less
Turn a Bad Day Around
Guide to Getting it On
About the instructor: Dr. Lara Honos-Webb
Lara Honos-Webb, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Walnut Creek, CA. She has dedicated her life's work to ADD and ADHD and Executive Functioning. She is the author of 7 books that have sold more than 150,000 copies worldwide. The American Psychiatric Association included the Gift of ADHD (2005) in its recommended reading list in their “ADHD Parents Medication Guide.” She is recognized worldwide as an attention deficit disorder (ADD) expert.
Her work has been featured in Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, US News and World Report and other national media.

Plus, understand that you make this investment at no risk. You are covered by my personal, Iron Clad, No Questions Asked, 15 day Guarantee. That is, you can spend 15 days going through the Find Your ADHD Gifts course and apply everything you learn to your business and life. If, within 15 days of your purchase, for any reason, you don’t believe the purchase was worth the investment, you can let me know and I will send you a full refund.
Proper Use of These Materials
Please note that these materials are copyrighted. This use is reserved as the sole province of Dr. Lara Honos-Webb, materials may be the subject of legal action.
Copyright © 2020 by Dr. Lara Honos-Webb All rights reserved. This Toolkit is licensed to you from Dr. Lara Honos-Webb These materials may not be used, modified, rented, leased, loaned, sublicensed, distributed, re-distributed or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, in whole or in part, without the written permission of The Gift of ADHD Institute.
Any counselor using these materials is not affiliated with Dr. Lara Honos-Webb in any manner, and retains all responsibility for his or her services. Dr. Lara Honos-Webb shall incur no liability whatsoever in connection with such services or distribution or use of these materials.